Goon: Last of the Enforcers 2017 Plevna Tampere 720p

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Goon: Last of the Enforcers Ilmaiset Elokuvat Netissa Suomeksi


Goon: Last of the Enforcers


127 muistiinpanot






English, Italiano


Bayley, Keyana G. Wassil, Eileen B. Grimes

Goon: Last of the Enforcers 2017 yleiskatsaus

The original _Goon_ came as a pleasant surprise. _Last of the Enforcers_ came as just regular pleasant. Maybe it was only because I actually expected something good this time around, but I personally feel that the first film is much better. _Last of the Enforcers_ is still very watchable, and it's great to be back with Doug Glatt as he tries to figure out what to do in any given situation relying solely on the input of being such a genuinely good dude, but that's only so much of the movie, as we instead diverge into an off-putting (though still realistic) father/son relationship between two total assholes and hit up every single joke that was already repetitive in the first _Goon_.

_Final rating:★★½ - Had a lot that appealed to me, didn’t quite work as a whole._
**The fall and rise of Doug the thug.**

Jay Barushel. This is the magic words for this film. This is his feature film directional debut and I would say he did an awesome job. Apart from that, his cameo was also so good. The first film was good. It was like I have never seen before. A sports film with a favour of WWE. I did not think it would get a sequel, but now I'm really happy they made one. This is just perfect as the first one.

In television and feature films, those who play brothers, sisters, never rise into the big stars. Sean William Scott quite found his own place. This film could become his identity in the future. I hope the third is on the way, and of course should be made by none other than Jay Barushel. The rest of the cast was well supported him in this. One of the good films of the year, and best among the sports theme.

With a new season on the roll, the Highlanders struggling after their new captain Doug, ruled out for the remains after he met with a serious injury. He was replaced in the team by the one who confronted him. Still the team is not producing the result the management wanted. On the other side, Doug is recovering and into the next level of his married life. With all the chaos around, his comeback to the team and rest of the story revealed in the third act.

I have seen many films what they have called comedy, but I never laughed even one time during my watch. This film actually made me laugh in many parts. There's not much sports cliche in it. Easy to predict it as a one-liner, but the events, the scenes were hard to guess. Well written, directed and performed. One of the best Canadian films of the year. Those who liked previous should watch it, otherwise still worth have a peek into it.


Goon: Last of the Enforcers 2017 Epäolennaisuus

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