Dead Shack 2017 Plevna Tampere 4k

teitä kyetä tarkkailla Dead Shack verkko irroittaa tässä. kaikki päästää irti ynnä vailla mainokset. sinun saattaa saada Dead Shack 2017 elokuva suora sisään 4k. tarkkailla Dead Shack elokuvat ttä imuroida. tämä viranomainen nettisivu. hyvin netflix katsoa toimistoon HD ttä pestautua .

Dead Shack Ilmaiset Elokuvat Netissa Suomeksi


Dead Shack


166 minuutit




Horror, Comedy




Tahya, Vedette G. Vidal, Madeeha O. Harris

Dead Shack 2017 yleiskatsaus

Suspension of disbelief? Never heard of it! But I still managed to have a good time with _Dead Shack_, and that's worth more to me than something as mundane as quality.

_Final rating:★★½ - Had a lot that appealed to me, didn’t quite work as a whole._
**Fun little Canadian campy horror film**

I went into this film totally blind, and really didn't know what to expect, but was pleasantly surprised at this tightly paced and amusing horror comedy.

A trashy family along with the son's best friend go on a holiday to a cabin in the woods, and accidentally stumble on some nefarious dealings at the neighbours house.

The young actors were great, the totally inappropriate father character stole every scene he was in. The humour for the most part is crude and juvenile, but in a way that totally works and it mostly hits the mark. Sure characters do stupid things (as they always do in horror films), but you can forgive them because they are either drunk or in their early teens.

This film is not going to win any awards, but it is not aiming to. It is a B Movie and proud of it. Fun, campy, tongue in cheek, with enough well shot scenes to keep you entertained.

For fans of Trailer Park Boys and Scouts Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse


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